Neptune-Pluto Cycle: Timeline

Neptune-Pluto Cycle

In A Century of Change: 1940-2040, we explored the current Neptune-Pluto sextile (♆ ∗ ♇) in some detail. In this post, we’ll observe a 5000-year timeline of Neptune-Pluto conjunctions and oppositions, including the 100-year sextile and trine phases. 

A Neptune Cycle is roughly 164 years, about two-thirds of a 244-year Pluto Cycle. Each conjunction (♆ ☌ ♇) occurs about 500 years apart in the same sign for a roughly 2,500-year period. The most recent conjunction occurred in 1891 at 07° Gemini ♊, the next one will occur in 2385AD at 12° ♊. The next opposition will occur in 2138AD at 10° ♊.

Because of Pluto’s highly eccentric orbit, these two planets match speed for 100 years twice in each cycle. Every separating sextile and applying trine in the Neptune-Pluto cycle is sustained for a century, while the other transits resolve within 10-20 years. We’re currently at the end of a 100-year Neptune-Pluto sextile ( ) that began in the early 1940s. In approx. 160 years from now as Neptune again returns to Aries, a century-long trine with Pluto (♆ △ ♇) will begin.

Neptune-Pluto Conjunctions: Overview

Looking at an overview of Neptune-Pluto conjunctions through the ages, a larger cycle becomes clear, though not as clear as the other cycles. The conjunctions that occurred in Aries were consistently 10 degrees apart, but in Taurus the intervals between them began to shrink. Therefore, there were three conjunctions in Aries, but five in Taurus, and there will be even more in the sign of Gemini.

The first conjunction in Gemini occurred in 1398AD, the next and most recent Gemini conjunction occurred in 1891. It’s difficult to say exactly how long it takes to complete this cycle of Neptune-Pluto conjunctions through the zodiac. But we can say for sure that it takes from 2560BC to 2878AD just to progress the 74 degrees from the beginning of Aries to the middle of Gemini.

♆ ☌ ♇ 2560BC – 2878AD

2560BC= 01° ♈
2065BC= 10° ♈
1569BC= 20° ♈

1073BC= 00° ♉
578BC= 09° ♉
84BC= 15° ♉

412AD = 21° ♉
906AD= 28° ♉
1398AD= 02° ♊

1891AD= 07° ♊
2385AD= 12° ♊
2878AD= 15° ♊

Neptune-Pluto: Dynamics

Neptune represents our beliefs and spiritual passions, and Pluto represents death, rebirth, and the dark depths of our existence. When these two are conjunct, we can expect a deeper spiritual experience, epiphanies that change our worldview, and a heightened degree of hope for a brighter future.

We can also expect to see many of the downsides of this combination, primarily through indulgences in drugs and alcohol, or belief in a religion, nation, or run-of-the-mill cult. When Neptune and Pluto are opposed or in a square aspect, we’re sure to see the dark side, including religious wars, despotic regimes, and a willingness to die for our beliefs.

Neptune-Pluto: 2560BC – 3030AD

2560BC= ( ) 01°
2317BC= (♆ ☍ ♇) 01° ♈ / ♎
2065BC= ( ) 10°
1819BC= (♆ ☍ ♇) 13° ♈ / ♎
1569BC= ( ) 20°
1323BC= (♆ ☍ ♇) 23° ♈ / ♎
1073BC= ( ) 00°
827BC= (♆ ☍ ♇) 01° ♉ / ♏
578BC= ( ) 09°
330BC= (♆ ☍ ♇) 13° ♉ / ♏
84BC= ( ) 15°
30BC-70AD= 100-year (♆ ∗ ♇) (split)
163AD= (♆ ☍ ♇) 16° ♉ / ♏
222AD-322AD= 100-year (♆ △ ♇) (split)
412AD = ( ) 21°
460AD-0560AD = 100-year (♆ ∗ ♇) (split)
658AD= (♆ ☍ ♇) 24° ♉ / ♏
715AD-815AD= 100-year (♆ △ ♇) (split)
906AD= ( ) 28°
955AD-1055= 100-year (♆ ∗ ♇) (split)
1150= (♆ ☍ ♇) 28° ♉ / ♏
1205-1305= 100-year (♆ △ ♇) (less split)
1398= ( ) 02°
1445-1545= 100-year (♆ ∗ ♇) (split)
1644= (♆ ☍ ♇) 04° ♊ / ♐
1695-1795= 100-year (♆ △ ♇) (less split)

Jul. 24, 2026: Neptune-Pluto Sextile

1891= ( ) 07°
1940-2040= 100-year (♆ ∗ ♇)
2138= (♆ ☍ ♇) 10° ♊ / ♐     
2180-2280= 100-year (♆ △ ♇)
2385= ( ) 12°
2430-2530= 100-year (♆ ∗ ♇)
2633= (♆ ☍ ♇) 16° ♊ / ♐     
2680-2780= 100-year (♆ △ ♇)
2878= ( ) 15°
2930-3030= 100-year (♆ ∗ ♇) (split)

Neptune-Pluto: 100-Year Transits

Just like the long Neptune-Pluto sextile, the trine beginning in the 2180s will also last a century. Though we’ve had these 100-year transits for millions of years, they’re rarely as consistently tight as this one will be. Examining the current 100-year Neptune-Pluto sextile, we’ll notice that it becomes very loose, especially between 2000 and 2010.

If we observe the previous 100-year transits going back hundreds of years, they become increasingly split into two separate periods. But the 100-year trine from 2180 to 2280 is by far the tightest we’ve seen in thousands of years. This period may be regarded as a golden age of humanity, and when we reach it, the Aquarian Age will be in full effect

The Promised Land: 2180 – 2280AD

Of course, those of us alive today won’t reach this golden era but humanity will get there together. As MLK said, “The arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends towards justice.” Now we can put an approximate date on that event horizon. When we consider how much wealth and power some individuals have today, it’s absolutely absurd.

By the year 2180, any hierarchic power structure will be unacceptable. The very idea that some people should be fabulously wealthy while others starve will be inconceivable. We’ll discuss these injustices as a thing of the past, wondering how we could have ever allowed them to happen in the first place.

It’s important to know where we’re heading in the long run, but for now we must be focused on the road ahead. From here, this golden age mumbo jumbo seems too good to be true. And it’s so far in the future that we’ll never live to see it, nor will our children. But maybe their children and their grandchildren will find out if this period is really all that.

In the meantime, humanity is still engaged in an uphill climb. But when we reach the proverbial mountaintop together, we will see the path forward to this new golden era. This moment is approaching very soon, and it may prove to be a much more exciting time to be alive.

The Aquarian Age Series continues…

The Age of Aquarius will continue from now until about 4200AD, when the Age of Capricorn begins. In the Aquarian Age Blog and Podcast series, we’ll continue to explore this exciting new era of humanity. 

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