Packages and Bundles

Whether you’re looking to save money or save time, this is where you’ll find what you’re looking for. Feel free to customize your Package!

Singles Package

Here I go again on my own... This package includes one Natal Chart Session and two Transit Forecast Sessions. Know your instrument and know the song. This will keep you in tune and in time for the year ahead.

Couples Package

Just the two of us... This package includes a Relationship Chart Session and a Partner Forecast Session. Make sure you and your dance partner are stepping to the same beat and not on each other's toes.

Band Package

Band on the Run...
This package includes one Band/Group Chart Session and two Event Planning Sessions. This package will help keep everyone on the same page and keep the band rolling down the road.

Perennial Services

No matter how many times we have our chart done, our chart is never done. It’s like reading a book that lasts our entire life, and then a bit longer. You just have to pick it up from time to time and see what the protagonist is up to now. Having a Perennial Astrologer is like having a narrator to the book of your life. Imagine a protagonist talking to the narrator, asking questions about the plot and the other characters. Now make it happen!

Each Year you’ll receive:

  • 1 Natal Chart Session
  • 4 Transit Forecast Sessions
  • 1 Event Planning Session
  • 2 Emergency Sessions.

This Perennial Service should help keep any soul stay on their path, or help you find your way back.

Each Year you’ll receive:

  • 2 Natal Chart Sessions
  • 2 Transit Forecast Sessions
  • 1 Partner Session
  • 2 Partner Forecast Sessions
  • 2 Event Planning Sessions
  • 2 Emergency Sessions.

This Perennial Service is the ultimate Wedding Gift!

Each Year you’ll receive:

  • 1 Group Chart (4-12)
  • 1 Partner Chart Session
  • 1 Partner Forecast Session
  • 4 Transit Forecast Sessions
  • 2 Event Planning Sessions
  • 4 Emergency Sessions.

This Perennial Service will help to guide your whole family.

Premium Perennial Services

As your Premium Personal Astrologer, I’ll keep you informed and in tune with the music of the spheres. I’ll be watching your transits while you’re busy with your life, and I’ll alert you to any potential disasters on your path. You’ll receive year-round Sessions to help guide you through each season and a fair share of Emergency Sessions when life gets a bit too crazy.

Each Year you’ll receive:

  • 2 Natal Chart Sessions
  • 6 Transit Forecast Sessions
  • 2 Event Planning Sessions
  • 2 Listening Sessions
  • 6 Emergency Sessions

Each Year you’ll receive:

  • 4 Natal Chart Sessions
  • 8 Transit Forecast Sessions
  • 1 Partner Session
  • 2 Listening Sessions
  • 2 Event Planning Sessions
  • 8 Emergency Sessions

Each Year you’ll receive:

  • 2 Group Charts (4-12)
  • 2 Partner Chart Sessions
  • 2 Partner Forecast Sessions
  • 6 Transit Forecast Sessions
  • 2 Listening Sessions
  • 4 Event Planning Sessions
  • 12 Emergency Sessions