Partner Forecast

It can be challenging enough to maintain our balance walking the path of life all alone. Having a partner to share the good times and the bad can make the path a little easier. But it can be challenging to stay in sync, and we’re not always on the same page. Sometimes we’re up when they’re down, or they’re on when we’re feeling a bit off.

When we meet our partners, it can be challenging to parse out the difference between their Natal aspects and the temporary Transits they happen to be going through at the time. This often leads us to believe that they have fundamentally changed and are no longer the person we once knew. We may appear to have changed as well, but we have a better sense of who we are and what we’re going through.

In a Partner Forecast, we’ll explore the Transits for each partner and how they interact. I’ll make you a Transit Calendar to help guide you both through the season ahead. We can explore the past and the future to understand better what happened and what might happen. There are times when we’re more likely to get along in perfect harmony and times when we’re both spoiling for a fight. We’ll identify these transits so that you can get the most out of your time together.

What to expect

  • Partner Forecast Sessions are 90 minutes.
  • Conducted over the phone or over Zoom.
  • You will receive an email 15-30 minutes before the session begins.
  • You will receive a follow up email with a full recording of your session.
  • Please Cancel at least 48 hours in advance for a full refund.

Sliding Scale Payment

The value we assign to products and services is not a standard rate, it is relative to the value we place on our own time. Astrology should be available to all regardless of income and wealth, but it should be valued equally by all. If you have more but pay the same, you will not value the service as highly as if you paid a rate relative to your wealth/income level.

Schedule an Appointment

Contact me for Special Rates and Scheduling…………………………………………………………………………….