As a young guitar teacher giving lessons, I found that an hour wasn’t quite enough time. It always seemed like we were just getting started around 60 minutes, so I lengthened my lessons to 90 minutes to get the best results. I also kept my rates low, even compared to those hour-long lessons other teachers were offering. What I charged was very humble, and I suffered as a result. But I was happy to have reached a few students with my message of the joys of music.
As an astrologer, I still feel that 90 minutes is about right, though many astrologers do 75-minute sessions. I also charge less for 90 minutes than you might pay for 75 minutes elsewhere. My standard rate is $150 for 90 minutes or $100/hr if you look only at the session itself. However, at least an hour of prep time goes into every session, and there is often one minute of prep for each minute in the session. Therefore, professional astrologers commonly limit themselves to only two or three readings each day, with shorter sessions allowing for more.
Sliding Scale
Starving Artist
For those making less than $25,000 Annual Income………………………… $75
Standard Rate
For those making between $25,000 and $50,000 Annual Income…………..$150
Rising Star
For those making between $50,000 and $100,000 Annual Income…………$250
Rock Star
For those making between $100,000 and $250,000 Annual Income……….$500
Gold Record*
For those making between $250,000 and $1,000,000 Annual Income…….$1,500
Double Platinum*
For those making more than $1,000,000 Annual Income…………………….$5,000
*For every Gold and Platinum session, I will donate one free Starving Artist session.
Income Inequality

My standard rates are roughly 2/3 the going rate. As I adjust the rate to the higher income/wealth levels, it seems shocking. The rates for those making over $250,000 seem like a lot, but they are directly proportional. If I look at these rates as an observer, the prices seem absurd. But what is absurd is the disparity of income levels and the disturbing amount of money that some people make annually, or even hourly. If we do not adjust the price up for the wealthy, it’s automatically adjusted in the other direction.
Relatively speaking, what costs the average person hundreds of dollars, only costs a billionaire pennies. This is especially troubling when we consider the price of a vehicle or a house. For most people, the price of a house exceeds their annual income, but some can afford to impulse buy a house the way we might buy a candy bar in the checkout line. While many cannot afford a place to call home, others must remind themselves which house they’re waking up in each morning.
If you’re wondering if an astrologer should make $1,000/hr or even $100/hr, you should also be wondering if Jeff Bezos should make almost $10,000,000/hr. I think not. But as long as he does, I will have an adjusted rate to ensure he pays adequate tribute and can therefore gain the necessary appreciation for my services. I don’t require a thousand dollars for an hour of my time any more than Jeff needs the extra ten million. But if Jeff wants an hour of my time, he should be willing to give up his hours’ earnings to the one who’s doing all the work. Here’s some free advice Jeff: Ditch the cowboy hat.

"You paid for all this."
Jeff Bezos Tweet
The Age of Aquarius
And if Jeff pays his due and expects special treatment, he doesn’t fully appreciate the service. He should receive the same service as everyone else, which is already fit for a king. But we are not living in the age of Leo, and Pluto is still cleaning house in Capricorn, making way for the Aquarian Age. It is time we examine our outmoded class system, our currency and profit systems, and the power structure as we know it.
I am a soul who would gladly give my services freely and often do to my detriment. Sadly, few people can truly appreciate a gift. We are accustomed to equating a product or service with the monetary value assigned to it. When we pay nothing, we assume it has no value. But when we pay money, and the more money we spend, the more determined we are to value the product or service. Because we value money, we make sure that we get our money’s worth. We enjoy an expensive restaurant more than a roadside diner, even if the diner has better food.

For now, we continue to assign a numeric value to every product. And when that price is fixed, it’s too high for some and too low for others. Those who can afford everything cannot fully appreciate anything. It’s no wonder they seek out the highest-priced items on the planet, even when they have no practical value. Over a billion Big Macs have been served on this planet because they only cost a couple of dollars each. If they cost a billion dollars each, they would sell only a few. But those few Big Macs would be fully appreciated by a very exclusive crowd.
It’s not about money or capitalism; it’s about tribute. Even in a barter system, we value what we get when we value what we give. It’s in our nature to take for granted what others provide for us for free. The proper tribute for a service is just enough to make one determined to get their money’s worth. I may not like this system, but I understand it. We may be moving towards a better currency and value system, but the importance of tribute will remain. Please pay what you can and make sure you get the most out of our time together. Click Here to schedule a session.