Pluto Ingress: Timeline

Pluto through the Ages

In the Aquarian Age Blog and Podcast series, we’ll explore the 2020s and beyond in some detail. This post is a simple timeline of Pluto Ingresses over a 3,000-year-period from 862BC through 2290AD. Pluto takes 244 years to cycle through the zodiac, spending from 12-32 years in one sign. Currently, Pluto is still in Capricorn and will ingress into Aquarius between 2023 and 2024 where it will remain for the next two decades. In early 2022, Pluto will return the degree it occupied on July 4th, 1776 at the establishment of the US Constitution. Pluto was last in Aquarius from 1777 to 1797 as the Bill of Rights was being ratified.

Pluto Cycle: Overview

Though every planets speed varies in its cycle, Pluto has by far the most dramatic variance. Over the last 1,500 years, Pluto has been speeding up in the sign of Leo and slowing down in Aquarius. Pluto transits half of the zodiac (Leo-Aquarius) in about 100 years, and the other half (Aquarius-Leo) in about 144 years. Both halves together equal one Pluto cycle at 244 years.

The significance of Pluto in a Natal Chart is primarily generational due to Pluto’s grinding pace through the zodiac. Pluto characteristics in the individual are reflected in their entire generation, or those who share the same Pluto sign. No human being will ever experience a complete Pluto cycle, and thus a Pluto return. Legal entities, institutions, and nation states are capable of reaching and passing this significant point, as the US will do in early 2022.

Pluto Cycle: 862BC – 132BC

Nov. 23, 673BC: Pluto enters Aquarius

862BC to 619BC =243y

862BC > ♈ (32y)
830BC > ♉ (28y)
802BC > ♊ (24y)
778BC > ♋ (17y)
761BC > ♌ (14y)
747BC > ♍ (12y)
735BC > ♎ (12y)
723BC > ♏ (13y)
710BC > ♐ (17y)
693BC > ♑ (20y)
673BC > ♒ (25y)
648BC > ♓ (29y)

619BC to 375BC =243y

619BC > ♈ (32y)
587BC > ♉ (29y)
558BC > ♊ (24y)
534BC > ♋ (18y)
516BC > ♌ (14y)
502BC > ♍ (12y)
490BC > ♎ (12y)
478BC > ♏ (13y)
465BC > ♐ (15y)
449BC > ♑ (20y)
429BC > ♒ (25y)
404BC > ♓ (29y)

375BC to 132BC =243y

375BC > ♈ (31y)
344BC > ♉ (30y)
314BC > ♊ (25y)
289BC > ♋ (18y)
271BC > ♌ (15y)
256BC > ♍ (12y)
244BC > ♎ (12y)
232BC > ♏ (13y)
219BC > ♐ (15y)
204BC > ♑ (20y)
184BC > ♒ (24y)
160BC > ♓ (28y)

Pluto Cycle: 132BC – 600BC

April 4, 60AD: Pluto enters Aquarius

132BC to 112AD =244y

132BC > ♈ (32y)
100BC > ♉ (30y)
70BC > ♊ (25y)
45BC > ♋ (20y)
25BC > ♌ (14y)
11BC > ♍ (12y)
02AD > ♎ (12y)
13AD > ♏ (13y)
26AD > ♐ (16y)
42AD > ♑ (18y)
60AD > ♒ (24y)
84AD > ♓ (28y)

112AD – 356AD =244y

112 > ♈ (31y)
143 > ♉ (31y)
174 > ♊ (26y)
200 > ♋ (20y)
220 > ♌ (15y)
235 > ♍ (12y)
247 > ♎ (12y)
259 > ♏ (13y)
272 > ♐ (15y)
287 > ♑ (18y)
305 > ♒ (23y)
328 > ♓ (28y)

356AD – 600AD =244y

356 > ♈ (31y)
387 > ♉ (31y)
418 > ♊ (27y)
445 > ♋ (20y)
465 > ♌ (16y)
481 > ♍ (12y)
493 > ♎ (13y)
505 > ♏ (13y)
518 > ♐ (14y)
532 > ♑ (18y)
550 > ♒ (23y)
573 > ♓ (27y)

Pluto Cycle: 600BC – 1332AD

March 26, 795AD: Pluto enters Aquarius

600 – 844 =244y

600 > ♈ (30y)
630 > ♉ (32y)
662 > ♊ (27y)
689 > ♋ (22y)
711 > ♌ (16y)
727 > ♍ (12y)
739 > ♎ (12y)
751 > ♏ (12y)
764 > ♐ (14y)
778 > ♑ (17y)
795 > ♒ (22y)
817 > ♓ (27y)

844AD – 1088AD =244y

844 > ♈ (30y)
874 > ♉ (32y)
906 > ♊ (28y)
934 > ♋ (22y)
956 > ♌ (16y)
972 > ♍ (13y)
985 > ♎ (12y)
997 > ♏ (12y)
1010 > ♐ (14y)
1024 > ♑ (17y)
1041 > ♒ (21y)
1062 > ♓ (26y)

1088 – 1332 =244y

1088 > ♈ (30y)
1118 > ♉ (32y)
1150 > ♊ (28y)
1178 > ♋ (23y)
1201 > ♌ (17y)
1218 > ♍ (14y)
1232 > ♎ (12y)
1244 > ♏ (12y)
1256 > ♐ (14y)
1270 > ♑ (16y)
1286 > ♒ (21y)
1307 > ♓ (25y)

Pluto Cycle: 1332AD – 1577AD

1332 – 1577 =245y

1332 > ♈ (30y)
1362 > ♉ (32y)
1394 > ♊ (29y)
1423 > ♋ (24y)
1447 > ♌ (17y)
1664 > ♍ (14y)
1478 > ♎ (12y)
1490 > ♏ (12y)
1502 > ♐ (14y)
1516 > ♑ (16y)
1532 > ♒ (20y)
1552 > ♓ (25y)

Feb. 3, 1532: Pluto enters Aquarius

Pluto Cycle: 1577AD – 1822AD

April 5, 1777: Pluto enters Aquarius

1577 – 1822 =245y

1577 > ♈ (30y)
1607 > ♉ (32y)
1639 > ♊ (29y)
1668 > ♋ (24y)
1692 > ♌ (18y)
1710 > ♍ (14y)
1724 > ♎ (12y)
1737 > ♏ (12y)
1749 > ♐ (13y)
1762 > ♑ (15y)
1777 > ♒ (20y)
1797 > ♓ (24y)

Pluto Cycle: 1822AD – 2066AD

1822 – 2066 =244y

1822 > ♈ (29y)
1851 > ♉ (31y)
1882 > ♊ (30y)
1912 > ♋ (25y)
1937 > ♌ (19y)
1956 > ♍ (15y)
1971 > ♎ (12y)
1983 > ♏ (12y)
1995 > ♐ (12y)
2008 > ♑ (16y)
2024 > ♒ (19y)
2043 > ♓ (23y)

March 24, 2023: Pluto enters Aquarius

Pluto Cycle: 2066AD – 2315AD

Jan. 21, 2270: Pluto enters Aquarius

2066 – 2315 =244y

2066 > ♈ (29y)
2095 > ♉ (32y)
2127 > ♊ (30y)
2157 > ♋ (26y)
2183 > ♌ (19)
2202 > ♍ (14y)
2217 > ♎ (12y)
2230 > ♏ (12y)
2242 > ♐ (14y)
2255 > ♑ (16y)
2270 > ♒ (20y)
2290 > ♓ (25y)

The Aquarian Age Series continues…

The Age of Aquarius will continue from now until about 4200AD, when the Age of Capricorn begins. Pluto’s ingress into Aquarius is just one of many signs that we’ve reached a critical moment in our history. In the Aquarian Age Blog and Podcast series, we’ll continue to explore this decade and beyond. 

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