The Dawning of the Age of Aquarius

Aquarius is associated with the revolutionary planet Uranus and opposed by Leo, the sign of hierarchy and royalty. Aquarius desires a lateral power structure, equality across the board. We may not reach the proverbial promised land...


Four Bodies: The Elements

Just as sure as we have a physical body on a physical landscape, we have an intellectual, emotional, and spiritual body, each with its own landscapes to explore. We learn very early that our physical world is full of dangers...


Solar Rollercoaster

Every time a baby is born, a new roller coaster is set in motion. Just like a new ride at a roller coaster park, it's really all the same features arranged in a slightly different order.


Saturn, Turn, Turn

When people think of Saturn, they think of structure, authority, and discipline. But, like every planet, Saturn has a dynamic cycle that also accounts for some of our more rebellious behavior.